Camden Council is launching a new house-building project to build even more new homes as part of the Community Investment Programme.
Camden’s New Homes for Small Sites Programme will focus on exploring development opportunities on underused council-owned land and use this land to deliver new affordable homes for local people. The first stage of the programme has been launched and is a Community ‘Call for Ideas’.
The ‘Call for Ideas’ asks the community to suggest areas of existing council-owned land, that currently isn’t used as housing, which could be used to provide additional homes. Residents know their community best, which is why Camden Council wants to work closely with local people who can say what their community needs and have the opportunity to help shape the future of the programme.
If you live or work in Camden you can use the new website to put a pin on a map of council-owned land in Camden and point out where you think there is an opportunity to build new homes. It’s easy-to-use and waiting for your suggestions!
The Small Sites Programme offers new possibilities to deliver additional affordable homes on council-owned land, without requiring decant or demolition of existing homes. It will also provide opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and community or self-build developers to engage in the delivery programme, offering further benefits to the wider community.
The Call for Ideas website is now live, visit it today! For further information and any questions, please email