We Make Camden
In the past few years, Camden has come together in new and inspiring ways to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the borough. In March 2022, we published We Make Camden – our refreshed vision for the future of Camden. It sets out what we want to collectively achieve and lead together and was developed following conversations with residents, partners and community leaders.
We Make Camden highlights the big issues facing Camden that we all agree are important, alongside practical ways we can make change together and the change we want to see in the short, medium and long term. We’d love for as many people as possible to get involved. Find out how to get involved.
Camden Missions
Camden Missions are the long-term goals for the future of our borough that were developed in collaboration with people across Camden. Camden has identified ten big issues facing the borough, which include four Camden Missions and six Camden Challenges.
The Missions evolved from the work of Camden’s Renewal Commission. While the Renewal Commission came to an end in 2021, we embraced its recommendations to progress these Missions so they remain at the heart of our work as we look to the future. They are long-term goals which help to break down and tackle big, complex issues across Camden.
Young people
By 2025, every young person has access to economic opportunity that enables them to be safe and secure. Read More
Estates and Neighbourhoods
By 2030, Camden’s estates and their neighbourhoods are healthy, sustainable and unlock creativity. Read More
Camden challenges
- Safety: Everyone is safe at home and safe in our communities
- Debt: Everyone can get the support they need to avoid debt and be financially secure
- Digital: Everyone in Camden can access and be part of a digital society
- Loneliness: No one in Camden is socially isolated without the means to connect to their community
- Housing: Camden has enough decent, safe, warm and family-friendly housing to support our communities
- Climate emergency: Camden’s local economy tackles the climate emergency
What’s happening
Get inspired by amazing stories from our community, and hear how people in Camden are working to make the borough a great place for everyone
Measuring change
We’ve published our latest annual State of the Borough report to give a snapshot of what life is like in Camden, and to help us keep track of progress.
In the report you’ll find data, evidence and stories from our communities. We’ll use this report alongside our residents and partners to identify what needs to change and how we can make that change happen together.
You can download and read the whole State of the Borough report, or have a look at some of the key facts and statistics from the report.

How to get involved
Do you have a project or story to share and encourage other people to join? An idea you want support to get off the ground? Or you want to find out how you can get involved in your local community? We’d love to hear from you. Find out more.
The Way We Work
The Way We Work is Camden Council’s renewed vision for how we as an organisation will respond to the ambitions set out in We Make Camden as we face new challenges in the years to come. Click on the link below to download and read The Way We Work.