We Make Camden Kit

Have a great idea for your community? The We Make Camden Kit gives money and support to Camden citizens and community groups who want to start projects or initiatives.

A panel of Camden residents from across the borough decides who is awarded funding, with support from Camden Giving and Camden Council. We’ve already awarded over 90 grants, so why not apply!

Join the We Make Camden Citizens Group

We Make Camden Citizens’ Group is a new initiative launched by Camden to get a better understanding of the lives of our residents.

What does it involve? Surveys, phone interviews, focus groups and more. For most of these you’ll be rewarded with payment for your time equivalent to London Living Wage.

If you’d like to take part, just complete this online questionnaire or email participation@camden.gov.uk with your name and address and we’ll post a paper questionnaire to you.

Join or start a food co-op

Cooperation Town is a network of food co-ops, where members pool together to buy food in bulk and access surplus food from supermarkets. Each household pays £3 to £10 a week and gets about five times what they pay for in value – saving up to 40% on weekly food costs.

“If you want to join or start a food co-op, we can help. Get in touch at cooperation.town or visit our co-op in Gospel Oak.” Shiri Shalmy, Organiser at Cooperation Town

Community centre

Google Hire Space Fund

Looking to book a venue in Camden for Camden Residents? Voluntary Action Camden is funded by Google to provide a fund of up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book a space to provide their work group / activity / session.

Find out more here: On the Voluntary Action Camden website
or get in contact at info@vac.org.uk

NW5 Project 1320 976 WeMakeCamden

NW5 Project

Response Ability Theatre 2048 1366 WeMakeCamden

Response Ability Theatre

You can also share your We Make Camden thoughts and experiences with us on Twitter using the hashtag #WeMakeCamden

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