International Magic: “A wonderful, wonderful life”

International Magic: “A wonderful, wonderful life”

International Magic: “A wonderful, wonderful life” 2560 1707 Karishma Puri

The International Magic Shop, on Clerkenwell road, south Camden, is pulled straight out of a fantasy novel. The shop’s mysterious deep red front sat next to a grand arch is reminiscent of a past that every Londoner recognises, but few truly experienced. Within, visitors are immediately greeted with the spectacular, lining the walls are a menagerie of tricks, props and books, their magical secrets safe within. Martin MacMillan has been there since opening day in 1958, when his father established what today is the UK’s longest-operating magic shop. “Magic is my life” Martin proudly tells us.

Man standing behind counter in magic shop

Martin’s family hail from the old east end, where his father first learnt magic, becoming a stage performer. “I didn’t know anything other than magic growing up. When I was at school and people asked what my dad does, I would say magician… I thought it was strange that no one else’s father was a magician!” Martin tells us “Growing up magic was everywhere, it was a wonderful, wonderful life”.

“I don’t wake up in the morning and think, ‘Oh no I have to go to work today’, I can’t wait to get to work. I love it, it’s my life, it’s always been my life”

Martin MacMillan, The International Magic Shop

The London high streets of 1958, when the shop first opened, are almost unrecognisable today. “This was, and still is, the Italian area of London. On Sundays, the whole Italian community would be meeting outside of the church. The crowd that comes into the shop has changed tremendously as well. There used to be 8 magic shops within walking distance of here, now there’s only us, it’s a different world”. According to Martin, the secret to their success is “passion, effort and living cheaply” he says chuckling. “I don’t wake up in the morning and think,” Oh no I have to go to work today’, I can’t wait to get to work. I love it, it’s my life, it’s always been my life”.

Outside view of magic shop

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